Internal Rules

ART. 1 The Club of Bologna has been founded by FederUnacoma and is a registered mark of FederUnacoma. It has been established in 1988 for the study and definition of strategies for the development of agricultural mechanization worldwide, taking into consideration technical, economic and social advances and changes in agriculture on an international level. The Club of Bologna evolved from the conclusions reached at the International Symposium on Agricultural Mechanization organized by the “Italian Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers Federation” (FederUnacoma), held at the headquarters of the International Exhibition of Agricultural Machinery Industries (EIMA) in Bologna, Italy, in 1987.

ART. 2 The Club of Bologna is an independent, non-profit association with the aim to promote scientific and cultural goals. It works under the auspices of CIGR (International Commission of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering) and collaborates closely with FAO (Food and Agriculture Organisation), UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organisation) of the United Nations, Accademia dei Georgofili and with other International Organizations.

ART. 3 The Club will work towards its objectives through exchanges, discussions and sharing of experience and knowledge of scientists, researchers, technicians, managers, agricultural machinery manufacturers and farmers who are concerned with the fundamental problems in this field, on the basis of collected pertinent information, specific and general studies and analyses, and on the refinement and development of logical concepts of a scientific and political nature.

ART. 4 In order to promote the participation of young researchers to the activities and goals of the Club and to remember its founder Giuseppe Pellizzi, the Club of Bologna and the Accademia dei Georgofili organize an international competition – the “Giuseppe Pellizzi Prize” – reserved to PhD Theses on the topic of “farm machinery and mechanization”.

ART. 5 Membership in the Club of Bologna is open to those holding a senior position in the field of agricultural mechanization.
Participation in the Club does not require any enrolment fee; however the travel expenses for participation in any meeting shall be borne exclusively by each participant.

ART. 6 The Club of Bologna is composed as follows:

  • Full Members;
  • Management Committee;
  • Secretary General;
  • President.

ART. 7 The Full Members, are chosen among those most knowledgeable and active in the scientific, cultural and management sectors of agricultural mechanization, who will have a direct responsibility within the Club.
Proposals for new memberships must be submitted by a member of the Management Committee, upon presentation of the candidate’s CV proving his/her outstanding role and experience in agricultural mechanization sector.
The membership of International Organizations and Associations of Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers is not be considered as a nominative permanent participation, but as a person representing the Organization/Association periodically nominated by the Organization/Association itself.

ART. 8 All the Club of Bologna Members have the right of a full participation to the Club activities.
They are also invited to contribute to the meeting sessions through written reports, remarks, etc.

ART. 9 The Club of Bologna is directed by a Management Committee consisting of high-profile Full Members chosen among the various countries and confirmed by FederUnacoma.
The regular term of a Management Committee member is three years, with the possibility of a second term.
Within four months from the end of her/his term of office, each Member of the Management Committee may formally suggest to FederUnacoma one name - among the Full Members of the Club - suitable for the seat in the Management Committee.
Federunacoma, also considering the suggestions received by the Members of the Management Committee due to expire, determines the composition of the new Management Committee by selecting the members among the Full Members of the Club of Bologna.
The Management Committee cannot normally exceed 15 members.
The Delegate of FederUnacoma and the Secretary General are additional and permanent members of the Management Committee
The Club of Bologna Past-Presidents are ex-officio invited to the Management Committee.

ART. 10 The Management Committee will meet, as a rule, every year in order to:

  • propose new memberships (Full and Management Committee Members);
  • plan the Club meetings and working sessions;
  • define future study and analysis programs of the Club as well perform evaluations of programs after their accomplishment;
  • verify the status of research in progress;
  • evaluate opportunities for establishing a Scientific Board and Study Groups among Club members;
  • exclude from the Club of Bologna any Member whose contribution over the prior meetings has not been meaningful or significant to the Club, as determined in the sole discretion of the Management Committee;
  • consider any needed revision of the present Internal Rules.

ART. 11 The President of the Club of Bologna is chosen and appointed among the members of the Management Committee by FederUnacoma.
The regular term of the President is three years, with the possibility of a second term.
The President designates the Secretary General, who must have competences on international agricultural machinery, and informs the Management Committee.

ART. 12 The working sessions of the Club of Bologna can be defined as follows:

  • plenary: those which concern all Club Members and any other experts (guests) that can be considered profitable for the discussion of the subject;
  • closed: limited to Scientific Board and Study Groups.

ART. 13 Membership in the Club of Bologna morally binds each participant to confidentiality as regards any information obtained by research undertaken or information emerging from the plenary and/or closed sessions, unless approval is given by the Club itself for public release of results obtained, on the basis of common agreements.

ART. 14 The Administrative Secretariat of the Club is assured by FederUnacoma, with headquarters in Rome, Italy.
The duties of the Administrative Secretariat are:

  • to guarantee the distribution of documents to the Members of the Club;
  • to undertake the organization of the Members’meetings when they occur in Italy and collaborate when the above take place abroad.

ART. 15 The duties of the Secretary General are:

  • to provide the organization of the various members’ meetings, the Management Committee and eventually the Scientific Board and the Study Groups meetings, in direct collaboration with the Administrative Secretariat in Rome;
  • to provide the update of Members’ database and website ( information;
  • to manage the various correspondence and contacts with the Club Members;
  • to undertake the preparation of the technical material for the meetings, including the Agenda;
  • to manage the contacts with the key-note speakers and the final drawing up of the key-note reports;
  • to prepare the Proceedings of the meetings.

Updated: November 9, 2018